Please note that we are unable to accept any new LPG customers at this time. This is due to a temporary shortage of LPG bottles. We expect this to be resolved at the start of Feb 2025.
We’ve approved construction of the Kaiwaikawe Wind Farm near Dargaville in Northland. The 12-turbine, 77MW wind farm will be able to generate up to 221GWh pa, enough to power about 27,000 homes.
In June 2024 we commenced construction of the expansion of our Kaiwera Downs wind farm near Gore. This $486m investment will add a further 36 turbines to the wind farm and increase capacity from 43MW to a total of 198MW - making it the second largest wind farm in New Zealand. We’re adding enough new electricity to power the equivalent of about 73,000 homes once we reach full generation - expected by the end of the 2026 calendar year.
We are investing $220m by adding a fifth generating unit at our Ngā Tamariki geothermal station. This expansion will increase the site generation by 390GWh and net output by 46MW – enough electricity to power about 55,000 additional households. First generation from the first unit is expected by late 2025.
We are currently working on a ~$90m upgrade to the Karāpiro hydro station replacing all three of the generation units. The three-year project is due to be completed by August 2025 and when complete will increase the capacity from 96MW to 112.5MW - enough new renewable electricity to power 19,000 additional households.
We are working on a $169m geothermal drilling campaign to sustain the capacity of the Kawerau, Ngā Tamariki and Rotokawa geothermal fields to maintain the generation capacity at these power stations for the long term.
We are undertaking work to address erosion on the river banks around the control gates, and will use the opportunity to refurbish one set of the control gates as well. There is no immediate safety or operational risks, however it’s important this planned work is advanced now to ensure the control gates can operate reliably.
This work will reduce the risk of water seepage and internal erosion of the dam abutment, which is a concrete wall providing structural support for the dam. The dam is still safe and fit for everyday use.
The Puketoi wind farm development is on the Puketoi Range, 40km south of Dannevirke and 39km east of the Turitea Wind Farm. We’re presently at the feasibility and pre-reconsenting stage. When built, the Puketoi wind farm will have a capacity of around 228MW, generating approximately 1,040GWh per year. Final Investment Decision is anticipated to be made in 2026.
We are preparing resource consent reports and application for a grid-scale battery (potentially 100MW to 150MW) at our Whakamaru hydro station near Taupō. Our next steps after consenting will include design development and procurement.
Changes to turbine technology and regulations are likely to result in consent amendments for transmission, tip height and renewal of construction consents for stage two of the Mahinerangi Wind Farm west of Dunedin. When built, stage two will add 138MW to the wind farm’s capacity and generate approximately 470 GWh per year. Final Investment Decision is anticipated to be made in FY2027
We’re proposing to build a wind farm in North Waikato, located on farmland west of Huntly. The proposed project area being considered is broad, and is bordered by Highway 22, Rotowaro Road and Hetherington Road. The proposal could involve planning for up to 85 turbines with an installed capacity of about 300 MW.
We are presently developing a repowering strategy for our Tararua wind farm near Palmerston North. We expect to achieve an 60MW uplift in total capacity, increasing the annual generation by around 270GWh per annum. This project is planned beyond 2030.